What’s the difference between a $6K Speaker and a $20K Speaker?

As a self professed “Left-Brain Creative”, I love to nerd out on stats and charts every now and then (but the creative part of me still has to make it fun!)  As the use of humour is traditionally a very subjective thing, I wanted devise a method to quantify and analyse what was happening when a Professional Speaker used humour to interact with an audience.  

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Speaking or Presenting? Make sure you cover off these 3R’s in the first 5 Minutes

When you are speaking or presenting, have you ever thought how people show up?  Have you ever wondered what has happened to them just before they walked into the room?  They might have had a crappy phone call with a customer; they might have had the peak hour traffic from hell, or a disagreement with their boss, partner or kids or worst of all… they might have run out of time to get a coffee!

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