How to Increase Engagement With Your Online Content
With the rise of online content marketing, to build your business, the question often comes up “how do I increase engagement with my online content?”
With the rise of online content marketing, to build your business, the question often comes up “how do I increase engagement with my online content?”
I was recently chatting with a client, and we were talking about public speaking. He said, “Kate when it comes to public speaking, I’d put people into 3 categories:
Really good at it,
Happy to give it a go and
Vomit!” [when they think about Public Speaking]
AI is coming in a really fast way! I recently saw a demonstration of Google Assistant, where it can make phone calls on your behalf to real life people!!! I’m not sure how this is going to impact the workforce – but I suspect it will be HUGE! I’ve filmed this video to explain one thing we have over AI (at least for now!)
For most people, it’s perfectly normal to feel nerves when speaking in public. The only problem is, being nervous can have a big impact on your ability to deliver a great presentation.
In my Foundations of Funny Workshops I talk about the “Humour Zone” – which is where your business message crosses over with your customers world.
One way to use humour effectively is to break down the barriers with your audience. You can use it to address uncomfortable things, call out the ‘elephant in the room’, say the thing that everyone is thinking and dissolve basically anything that will stop people from listening to you.
Are you a Professional Speaker that wants to be funny? Or are you one of those Keynote Speakers, Presenters or Trainers that don’t even attempt to be funny because it’s too hard? Well did you know it’s actually a lot easier for a Speaker to be funny that it is for a Comedian!
I was having a chat with a Professional Speaker recently who said something that startled me a bit. She said “I’ve been trying to do a Stand Up Comedy Course for years, but I’ve never been able to do it because I haven’t been in town for 8 weeks in a row to get to all the classes”.
he number 1 rule if you want to be funny is DON’T TELL JOKES.
Now I get this may seem completely contradictory, so let me explain. Jokes are a real problem for Speakers because it puts you on the radar. As a Speaker, you have the huge advantage that your humour is able to fly under the radar because nobody expects you to be funny.
The first rule if you want to get a laugh from your audience is don’t tell jokes. Jokes are a real problem for Speakers because it puts you on the radar and people know that you are trying to be funny. If the joke doesn’t work, you’ve left it all hanging out, looking like a bit of a dill. #awkward
2022 Kate Burr. All Right Reserved.