Applying the Principles of Stand-Up Comedy to Help Leaders Engage Their Teams and Increase Productivity


Discover the art of becoming a more effective leader, capable of engaging your team, enhancing productivity and achieving results, while fostering well-being and reducing stress.

The current levels of stress and exhaustion facing the Australian workforce are impacting performance. The negativity from present circumstances can rapidly spread through a workplace, making people distracted, disengaged and demotivated – which makes them unproductive and ineffective (and potentially looking for a new job!)

EFFECTIVE Leadership begins with engaged teams. Discover how to engage your people using the same principles that Comedians use to engage their audiences. This program is less about how to DO humour – and more about how to USE humour principles to improve the wellbeing, connection and capacity of your people.


  • Become a more confident, engaging and effective leader who can use humour to engage staff, boost productivity and achieve your outcomes.
  • Learn humour strategies for leaders to improve your connection and engagement with individuals, teams, clients and stakeholders.
  • Expand your people’s capacity and boost brain power for problem-solving, creativity and decision-making.
  • Decrease conflict and improve workplace culture by reducing stress and increasing feelings of well-being.