It was great to have a chat with you about all things Speaking and Humour! Here are some resources that you might find helpful, Cheers Kate 

How to Nail Your Next Big Speaking Gig

Got a big speaking gig coming up? Join me for the replay of this online training to discover the formula for a funny, engaging, and memorable presentation that gets you more business and more bookings.

Funnier in 5 Days Challenge

Join me for the replay of this free 5-Day Challenge to learn how to be funny on purpose so that you can use humour that aligns with your message and engages your market. (And the best bit – you don’t have to wait 5 days for the course to be released, as it’s a replay, you can binge it all at once! #winning!!)

9 Perfect Places to Add Humour to Your Presentation

Humour needs to be used with purpose to support key messages and topics, rather than just telling a joke to make people laugh. Here’s 9 very specific ways you can use humour in your presentations to gain maximum effect.

The Funny on Purpose Formula

The Funny on Purpose Formula is the 9 steps that you need to be aware of if you want to use humour in a business and presentation context.

Break Down the Barriers with Your Introduction

The following questions will help you address the possible barriers that your audience is having to 100% committing to your presentation.  Addressing any of these obstacles will help you “clear the air” and get engagement so you can get on with delivering your message.