In my Foundations of Funny Workshops I talk about the “Humour Zone” – which is where your business message crosses over with your customers world.
The reason to use the humour zone is so that humour is relevant to both your business and your target market. Otherwise your humour will not be used with purpose and you won’t be getting maximum effect from it.
This is a great example from Air New Zuland (sorry had to do the accent!) to make a relevant ed (there it is again!) to promote their airline for the holiday season in a funny, very shareable video.
In the video below, there is a very big focus on New Zealand and the problems people have with the accent, and how the Air New Zealand staff are so helpful they can even help Santa!
There is a lot of messaging tied up in such a small video! Let’s have a closer look:
– Focus on New Zealand – the country of Origin of the Airline
– the problems people have with the accent – builds connection and rapport with their target market. For New Zealanders it’s a relatable problem and national pride thing – “understanding Kiwi is easy as” and for internationals it’s acknowledging and normalising the difficulties people can have (so you don’t feel stupid) and giving a bit of education on how to understand the accent “a’s are e’s, e’s are i’s…”
– and the Air New Zealand staff are so helpful they can even help Santa! This places the airline in a really good light and touches on the company values and benefits.
It’s brilliantly done! Enjoy…
P.S. Mirry Christmus!